Next Gen at Central Park

The next generation is important to us. We offer weekly gatherings for kids and students.

Central Park Kids is ages 3 – 5th grade.

Central Park Students is 6th – 12th grade.

Sunday Mornings

Join us Sunday Mornings for Central Park Kids. Kids will worship with their parents, then be dismissed before the teaching for a teaching of their own. This 35-40 minutes during our 10am worship service will be filled with games, activities, music, and a Biblical lesson!

Wednesday Evenings

During the school year we offer a free community meal at 5:30pm on Wednesday evenings. Join us at 6:15pm afterwards for a lesson, crafts, and other activities.


We think having a plan for teaching our kids is super important. We also believe the Bible is a unified story that points to Jesus. With that in mind, for the 2022-2023 school year we will be going through the Jesus Storybook Bible on Sunday mornings. You can learn more about it here:


VBS 2024 was an amazing week.

VBS Coming in July 2025! Stay tuned…

Sunday Nights

Central Park Students gathers for Youth Group on Sunday nights from 6:30-8pm with doors opening at 6pm. Our time is spent playing big group games, worship, a teaching, icebreakers, and more.

Wednesday Nights

During the school year we offer a free community meal at 5:30pm on Wednesday evenings. Stick around because at 6:00pm we offer card games and other activities in the student center, as well as basketball in the gym.


Here at Central Park Students we place a value on five things: Jesus, Apprenticing, Community, Partnering and Serving.

We believe Jesus is who he says he is.

We believe Jesus is worth apprenticing after.

We believe in community and showing love and kindness to those around us.

We believe we are stronger together so we believe in partnering with families to raise students well.

We believe in serving our church and our community.


We meet weekly during the school year. You can check out our FallSchedule2023