Worship at Central Park Church

Current Series: Renewal


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September 2023 we welcomed our Transition Pastor, Pastor Marc. We’ll spend a few weeks talking about renewal, transformation, and what it means to be a living sacrifice.

Renewal runs from September 24 to October 15, 2023.




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Perhaps you or someone you know has quoted part of Isaiah 43:19: ‘See, I am doing a new thing!’ What is that from? What does that mean to the people then, and how should we read it today? Journey with us through Isaiah 43 as we discover what Isaiah was telling the people of Israel 2,700 years ago, and what it means for us today.

SEE runs from August 6 to September 3, 2023.


Best Practices


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Let’s be honest; following Jesus is hard. Life is full of distractions, options, quick fixes, and sometimes following Jesus can get pushed to the back burner. This series seeks to inspire and challenge us to consider the best practices to following Jesus no matter where we find ourselves. Best Practices ran May – July, 2023.


The Letters of John PT2


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The Letters of John are three short letters found in the New Testament. They are written to a specific group of people at a specific time early in the history of the Church. Yet, we can learn so much from these letters. In fact they may be just as relevant today as they were nearly 2 millennia ago. This part of the series is running from April 9 – April 30, 2023.


Famous Last Words


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In collaboration with Embody Christ Fellowship and Rose Park Reformed Church, we are spending the season of Lent sitting with the final seven things that Jesus said before he was crucified on the cross. Join us as we walk through each line and consider how it impacts us, the local churches, in Holland, Michigan in 2023. This series runs from February 22 – April 7, 2023.


The Letters of John PT1


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The Letters of John are three short letters found in the New Testament. They are written to a specific group of people at a specific time early in the history of the Church. Yet, we can learn so much from these letters. In fact they may be just as relevant today as they were nearly 2 millennia ago. This series is running from January 15 – February 19, 2023.


Behold: Advent 2022


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We really appreciate  the new Christmas song by Phil Wickham called, ‘Behold.’ It led us to a number of questions: What does it mean to behold something? Why does the word keep coming up in this ancient story we’ve told for two millenia? What do we behold and what do people behold when they look at us? This series is running during Advent 2022: November 27, 2022 – January 8, 2023.


grace and truth


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Jesus came full of grace and truth. We’re called to be people who live out the truths of God while being filled with the grace that Jesus has on offer for us. In this series we will look at the truths of The Ten Commandments and apply them to our divided world today. This series is running from October 9 – November 20, 2022.


Framing the Future


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In this series, we’ll be exploring what we sense God is calling us to. We will walk through our mission, measures, values, and our strategy. This series is running from September 4 – October 2, 2022.


A Season of Change


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Change is all around us. Change within our community, our church, and our world. How do we handle change? Where do we start? Where is our foundation? How do we continue to be the Church in the midst of change? We’ll tackle these questions and more in our series running from July – September 4, 2022.




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Jonah is a pretty popular story. With things like, running from God, a giant storm, being swallowed by a giant fish (0r was it a whale?), and then getting spit on dry land. How do we approach this story in 2022? And, does what Jesus say change what we think about this classic story? Our series runs from April 24 – June 2022.